The notion of home is universally understood. However, home is challenging to define and even more difficult to simulate in situations that necessitate it. Material and immaterial aspects of home are often geographically, culturally, familially, and linguistically situated. This research expands participants understanding by asking the question ‘What is home?’
Participatory responses were used to create To: You, a physical and interactive workshop. The workshop explores the emotional dimensions of migration and displacement by inviting participants to reflect on their experience of home. Participants collectively build the network by reflecting, connecting, and sharing their experiences.
Personal thoughts and ideas of what home means to me
Personal concept of home
Personal concept of home
Personal mood board #1, connection to home
Personal mood board #1, connection to home
Personal mood board #2, connection to home
Personal mood board #2, connection to home
Design Research, Interviews, and Developing Process
A general concept map of  all 25 international graduate students
A general concept map of all 25 international graduate students
‘Home’ and ‘Place’ sketches done by migratory college students
‘Home’ and ‘Place’ sketches done by migratory college students
Bar graph of all 25 interview responses
Bar graph of all 25 interview responses
Plot graph of all 25 interview responses
Plot graph of all 25 interview responses
Research development #1:  Connection to home, target audience, and methodology
Research development #1: Connection to home, target audience, and methodology
Common patterns revelation
Common patterns revelation
Planning and figuring out the project
Planning and figuring out the project
 Project Idea #1: Scatterplot data physicalization
Project Idea #1: Scatterplot data physicalization
Project Idea #2: 2D data physicalization
Project Idea #2: 2D data physicalization
Project Idea #3: Linear data physicalization
Project Idea #3: Linear data physicalization
Physical mock-up of project idea #3
Physical mock-up of project idea #3
Initial Work
 A diagram of the design process
A diagram of the design process
User-testing physical prototypes
To:You probe kit used in play sessions
To:You probe kit used in play sessions
‘What is home,’ a collaborative circular visual map
‘What is home,’ a collaborative circular visual map
‘What does home make you think,’ collaborative visual ‘tree’ map
‘What does home make you think,’ collaborative visual ‘tree’ map
‘What is home’ complex map
‘What is home’ complex map
‘What is home’ activity sheet
‘What is home’ activity sheet
‘What is home’ standing concept map
‘What is home’ standing concept map
‘What is home’ is an inviting network map
‘What is home’ is an inviting network map
‘What is home’ concept map
‘What is home’ concept map
The final prototype of To: You
Participants ‘weaving’ connections and sharing their notion of home
Participants ‘weaving’ connections and sharing their notion of home
Final prototype of home, using reflect, connect, and share  as categorical steps that lead the participants to contribute in this  physical and interactive workshop
Final prototype of home, using reflect, connect, and share as categorical steps that lead the participants to contribute in this physical and interactive workshop
What is home? A chaotic and expressive social network  designed by migratory college students
What is home? A chaotic and expressive social network designed by migratory college students
MFA Graduate Thesis Exhibition 2023
Exhibition Display
Exhibition Display
To:You Closeup
To:You Closeup
Dominique with To:You
Dominique with To:You
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